
•Self Disconnection•

At some point of your life you will loose connection with yourself however loosing connection should not be taken as a defeat, 
it should be taken as a necessary stop / moment to meditate and to recheck oneself. Look back at all of the steps you have taken and do a process of elimination.
Which steps have brought you closer to accomplishing your goals and which ones have not.
Do not repeat the actions that hasn't been helpful and try to eliminate any bad habit that keeps you down.
The mind, the heart and the body needs to be on the same page but it takes time, determination and willingness to be able to get yourself into that stage.
A self disconnection occurs when either your mind or your heart is moving a few steps forward from the other.
Don't allow your mind to lie to your heart because it will affect your body., Your mental health depends much on positive thoughts., The more you stay negative the more your heart believes it and the more your heart believes it the more it affects your body to the point of causing depression and the more depressed you feel the more your body deteriorates.
Everything is in the mind!
Handle your disconnection wisely, get rid of the negativity and reconnect with yourself believing that if you can dream it and imagine it you can be it.
Reconnect And Move Forward!!!
~Claudio Alvarado~

•A Dream Is•

A dream is a prediction of what the universe have prepared for you, 
the universe have done its part now it is your turn to do yours.
Do it, Bring it to life and Enjoy it.
Goals are not reached just by dreaming about them,
 Goals are reached by taking action.
~Claudio Alvarado~

Dream it!
Do it!
Enjoy it!

~Meditate On This~



"We spend half of our lifetimes questioning our existence 
and the other half waiting for the answers" 
~Claudio Alvarado~ 

•Black Eyes Black Hair•

She stabbed me in the heart with a poisoned kiss like a spear,
she killed me and brought me back with a whispered in my ear.
Do you like it? She asked and I responded with sweet fear,
I have never been kiss so deep in all my days and years.
I touched her skin with my tongue, I was ambushed by her desired,
My whole body was blown when my lips contacted her fire.
She screamed of pleasure so loud when I reached her intimate glory,
Forever and ever I’ll bow to the romance of my flory.

~Claudio Alvarado~

●Talented Vs Common●

The following article is intended to educate the lector by
providing factual information about the subject.
I will explain with the most complex details the significance and importance
of a talented person versus a common person in our society.
Everyone plays an important role in our society regardless
of or if the individual is talented or not and that's what makes it a balanced society.

Let's begin explaining about the "Talented Person"
What is a talent?
How do I know if I'm talented?
What is a common person?

What is a talent?
Let's not mistake being talented with being knowledgeable or being intelligent.
Talent, intelligence and knowledge are three abilities completely different.
Everyone is naturally intelligent at different levels and everyone
is knowledgeable on the matter he or she is dedicated to, but not everyone possess a talent.
A talent is an above average mental and or physical ability
that some individuals possess and makes them noticeable and outstanding before others.

How do I know if I'm talented?
Regardless of the level of intelligence and the knowledgeability one possess not everyone is talented.
To find out if you are a talented person you must pay attention to yourself and the activities you get your hands on, the activities you involves yourself into.,
Talented Human beings are naturally attracted to activities that put their talent into practice and it's development.

For example:
let's say for instance that every time you hear someone playing a piano it catches up your attention and just by listening to the piano you have learned how to play it and not only you have learned how to play it but you can also composed your own melody, all of this without any previous training or piano lessons., If this example applies to you on any activity in particular then you can be sure that you are a talented person.
It is very easy to discover your talent if you pay close attention to some details about yourself.
Some people can have multiple talents and that's completely normal.
Talented people are very important for our society, they are creators, innovators and their input in our society provides positive and useful outlets that are very necessary for the growth of our evolutionary system.
You were naturally born with a talent and it has its purpose.
Talented people have a lot of responsibility on their shoulders, their contributions are demanded more and more on a daily basis because said contributions are the fuel that ignite and keeps our societies on motion by providing among other things: education that leads to the management and creation of jobs by taking ideas to the next level.
Talented people are very distinctive in the way they communicate, act and behave but they also need to be educated on how to manage their talent and how to make it useful.
Your personal character plays an important role in the development of your talent, a lot of talented people don't succeed simply because they allowed their character to take control of themselves instead of they controlling their own character.
Allow me to explain : Your character is you, is your personality, is how you represent yourself, your attitude, your approach towards life itself.
Your unique character is the platform of support for your talent., it could be a negative support or it could be a positive support, it all depends on your attitude.
It doesn't matter how talented you are but if you give a bad use to your character it will impact the use of your talent on a negative way preventing you to put your talent into practice, also if you are a person who lacks on self confidence and if you don't believe in yourself that attitude will put your talent to rest probably forever if you never change your attitude but if your character is of a go getter and you keep a positive attitude at all times no matter how much circumstances changes, you should always keep on believing in yourself, it is very fundamental for the development of your talent.
You should always remember this:
You were born with a talent and it is your responsibility to give it a use to fulfill your purpose.
Be humble, don’t never think that because you are a talented person it makes you better than everyone else.
Believe in yourself, self confidence is the stronger ice breaker before any situation.
Work hard, you should make it happen it will not happen for you.

What is a common person?

Allow me to explain:

Common and talented people are both equally important and valuable for our societies but the common person is the hand laborer, the muscle, the hands on the physical and on the material., when the talented person idealized a project, the common person is needed in order to bring that idea onto a physical form.
For example: an inventor seats on a desk with a piece of paper and a pencil, he writes and or draw an idea to create a product, at that very moment that talented inventor has given the first shape and form to his idea but that is just the beginning, he still needs to take that idea from the drawing and bring it to the physical form and that's when the common person comes to work.
We the common people need to also learn and understand our position in our society and what are we good for and what not.
Once a common person learn, understand and accept his or her position in the society it makes it easier to find his or her purposes.
I personally had a hard time finding my purpose, there was a period of my life when I involved myself in a business for which multiples talents are needed in order to succeed in that business., the music business!

Here is testimony, it’s the best example I can use to educate the commons like me:

Ever since I was a small child I like listening to music, I enjoy watching music videos and professional dancers doing choreographies but there is a big difference between liking and enjoying seeing talented people practicing their talents and being capable of doing the same things they do, however I learned it the hard way., for many years I was confused and the inability to understand myself and looking for my purpose drove me to believe that I was a talented person with the ability to write songs and sing but I was wrong about myself and it took for me to create a music group and signed a record deal with an independent record company to realized music is not my call, after writing dozens of songs and recording two albums I discovered I was not a good song writer nor a good singer at all and the only reason the record company offered us a contract was because the other two member of the group were very talented and the only reason they allowed me to be in the group was because I put it together but after two albums recorded and not positive results on succeeding for pursuing a career in a business with no room for common people, I learn that I’m a common person and that the only place in music for me is where the spectators seats.

I want my testimony to serve as an example for the commons, what happened to me could happen to anybody, I allowed my emotions to drive me towards the wrong path where I can not serve.
If you find yourself pursuing towards a career and the more you try the less you can’t achieve most likely you are not talented or you are on the wrong path., maturity will help you learn, understand and accept yourself and this goes for talented and for common people.
We the common people are here to serve and help the talented people.
Remember, We are the strong muscle, the hands on laborers, the weight on the left side of the balance and with this said I believe our purpose is very well understood.

Closing Statement:
Talented and Common people are both equally important in our societies

~Claudio Alvarado~


That time will always come, the beautiful roses will die
and the pupils will rest before the next sunshine.
Many flowers will cry until the end of the night
reminiscing about some memorable times.
Many roses will die many roses will cry.
Many more will be born after every goodbye.
Let the petals evolved, let new petals be born.
Many roses will die, many roses will cry!

~Claudio Alvarado~

·As Simple As It Is·

First, you are naturally born a sinner into a world full of hate, envy, betrayal, misery, agony, ect... 

Then in the growing process you are educated to believe and fear a God who loves you but will punish you by sending you to hell if you don't obey his commandments, and accept his son Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you are also taught about the evil bad creature king of hell called zatan who will tempt you to do bad things such as having sex, killing, lying and stealing among other acts which are difficult for you not to commit due to the fact that you are an instinct driven creature living in a world where it results easier for you to feed your natural given instincts than it is for you to feed your own stomach, 

and as if it wasn't enough for you to be condemned to live in fear you spend your life being finger pointed and judged by a group of fanatics simply because you don't believe in religions and vice versa, 

you judge them because they don't believe in the theory of the big bang, dinosaurs, and monkeys evolving into men.

A lot of people believe in what they don't see (Faith)

A lot of people believe only in what they can see (Tangible)

But no matter what everyone believes in, no matter how much we all judge and criticised one another and how different we try to be from each other, we are all the same and we all stands on the same grounds and mentally share the same questions.

Who are we? 

Where we came from?

What are we doing here?

Where are we going?

We spend our lives trying to understand something we didn't create., Trying to fix something that was already broken before we got here., Trying to grow out of our imperfections., Looking for answers while the questions are being multiplied., Loving and surviving a life that kept us alive with the promise that one day we are going to die.

~Claudio Alvarado~

·What If·

What if we are the others, 

the strangers, the aliens?

What if we are the ones on the other side., 

What if we are the weird looking ones?

~Claudio Alvarado~

·Book Of Life·

"There are as many books of life as there are people in this planet simply because each person is a different story"

~Claudio Alvarado~

·From One Slavery To Another·

"First I was a slave who became free with no land to go to, then I was given a land but I had no right over it, therefore I became a revolutionary and fought for my right and becoming a revolutionary made me an enemy of the landlord who oppressed me and made a slave of a controlled freedom."

~Claudio Alvarado~

·Under The Spanish Moss·

He used to seat under the tree to read a story to himself,
a story written in his mind about his beginning and his end.
The story was about himself a mystery never revealed,
because the tree will never tell, in its roots remains concealed.
Only you listen to me all my comfort lies on you,
you don't judge me or condemn me, you will never change my truth.
You are always here for me standing stronger than the wind,
Spanish moss you'll be my shelter until my soul open its wings.

~Claudio Alvarado~

·I'm In Love·

I'm in love with the desire of aging next to you, you and I holding hands while the skies changes from black to blue.
I'm in love with the times we will see coming and going by while whispering in your ear I am yours and you are mine.
I'm in love with the momentum of my soul chasing yours to make it together as one through the Glory's golden doors.
I'm in love with the angels in which we will be transformed, angels in love forever and loving one another forever more.

For +Natalie Rothman 

~Claudio Alvarado~

·Life Goes On·

Life goes on before our eyes leaving behind an incurable pain in the heart of many as it takes the pulse of many more.
We are not mentally prepared to accept and understand the outcome of the catastrophics events in which so many innocent lives are lost., natural events or events Archertrare by men.

Life gives and takes without any approval from us simply because it is its natural way of reinventing itself and all we can do is try to stay alive and survive.
Live every day as if it is your last day, welcome it with a prayer of gratitude and celebrate it with positivism, and must of all show love to everyone around you.
REMEMBER! This could be the first day of the rest of your days or the last day from all of your days.

~Claudio Alvarado~
"It is because of the spiritual connection with the universe that one can see darkness in the light and light  in the darkness"

~Claudio Alvarado~

•Stop The Violence•

"Be proud of yourself and the good things you do but also make sure To be diligent for pride could turn into your worst enemy, do not allow it to darken your humility"

~Claudio A & Natalie R~

•Death Is•

"Death is not the end., 
Death is the beginning 
of a new journey., 
Death is necessary 
to happen in order for 
human beings to be 
recreated by life., 
light can only be 
after darkness 
and darkness 
can only be after light."
~Claudio Alvarado~


The faith of many people is most of the times inspired by the faith of an individual and when that case take place, that particular individual  becomes indirectly responsible for maintaining the faith of others alive by serving as a good example to follow and by keeping a positive attitude at all times.
It is a tough job to be an example to follow or a leader because of the heavy responsibility that falls on your shoulders.
People with a low level of faith Or with no faith at all are always in need of a healing word even though they don't admit it and don't look for help, but they do need it!
A Leader have to deal not only with his / her own issues but also with the issues of those who look up to them. 
Being a leader is a talent, a gift which one is born with.
One can be a leader and not even know it because not everyone pay much attention to the reason why some people choose to stay around you or to follow you.
Think about this:
You are a person who's others come to and admired how you manage yourself and how you do certain things in your life, others are always looking up to you and even trying to look like you.,
this means you are a leader and there is no doubt you were born with that particular talent.
As a leader you have the responsibility to maintain a clean reputation. 
The way you look, the way you talk, the way you act, 
the way you behave in general are aspects that your followers will always pay attention to and in a lot of cases some of your followers will imitate you, therefore you must be careful how you manage yourself as a leader because of the impact you can cause in others.
As a leader you have the responsibility to educate those who chooses to follow you., do not use your leadership to benefit yourself by taking advantage of those  looking up to you. 

The leadership talent was given to you because you can use it righteously and your benefit lies within the change you can bring to others.

•Natural Happiness•

As the time goes by and humanity's modern era keeps on gaining grounds in our society by spreading technology around in our world like an addictive disease forcing a lot of us to become incapable of being able to survive a day without a smartphone, 
a console game and or surfing the social media, making it hard for some people to be able to experience natural happiness which is not found in an expensive and artificial lifestyle., it is found in the less thinkable places and the less fortunate ones.
Nice sunglasses!
Priceless smile!

~Claudio Alvarado~

•The Beauty•

"The beauty of this poem lies not in the composition of each verse but in the mystery of the eyes in which my inspiration immersed"

~Claudio Alvarado~
Inspired by +Natalie Rothman I Love You❤️

Me, Myself and I (The Dialogue)

After giving you everything possible and hearing from your own lips how happy I made you and how great of a person you discovered in yourself thanks to me. 
Now! Look at yourself. 
Who were you before me?
Who are you after me?
You are stronger today! 
Thanks to me.
You are awake today! 
Thanks to me.
You know your worth! 
Thanks to me.
You were dry and I hydrated you!
You were empty and I completed you!
And now I'm nobody in your life?

Yes! You are right! You are nobody in my life but at the same time you are everything in my life, in fact you are my life, but regardless of the fact that you are my life, you are also my death, you are my best friend and my worst enemy.
It is true! 
You helped me and made me, but you also destroyed me!
Why do I keep on listening to you?
why do I closed myself inside of you?
why don't I allowed the other voices from outside to enter pass the room of my ears?
why don't I put into practice the advice from the outsiders?
I continued to listening to you and following your commands like if it was the only choice I had, and for That I am who I am today.

Who am I?
Who are you?
And You?
What am I doing here?
What are we doing here?
Why are we arguing?
Why are we? Me, Myself and I 
Why can we be One?
Why do I keep on blaming me and myself when I and only me and just myself, and I is responsible for my actions.

~Claudio Alvarado~


"There's a big difference between losing it all and giving up on it all"

~Claudio Alvarado~

•Committing Suicide•

Being a human being can sometimes become too difficult to handle, that's why death is standing by the entry door of our parallel existence waiting for those exhausted souls that couldn't take it no more, those who decided to abort the mission and to stop carrying on with the weight of an imperfect human body. 
When there isn't any solution at all for a major problem that eventually will completely destroy you by turning you into a walking painful, lifeless and hopeless human being, that's when the spirit begin its disconnection from the terrestrial cage better known as The Human Body.   When a person encounter that stage of the existence that's when the spirit and the body agree on becoming suicidal partners.
There is no doubt and it's a fact that the only way out of an endless living misery and the only way into an endless happily ever after existence seems to be the action of committing suicide. 
Committing suicide it's not a sin, it's not a crime before the eyes of the real laws of the existence. 
The action of committing suicide is in fact a phenomenal event in which the body and the spirit voluntarily separates from one another using any method of impact which causes the separation of the mass from the energy. The difference between a death caused by a disease, an accident or a homicide and a death caused by suicide, is that the suicide is under the solely and personal control of the individual committing the suicide., the personal control is a right given to all of us by nature therefore there isn't any punishment or penalty for anyone committing suicide.
The existence has the power and the right to separate any particular spirit and it's mass from one another which is called: (Natural Caused) and it has also granted us the power and the right for us to be able to caused the separation on ourselves (To Commit Suicide), this action works as the last option when any given situation requires it.

~Claudio Alvarado~